Bamai – Eight Channels

Bamai Eight Channels

What is Bamai?

Qi Jing Ba Mai i.e. eight extraordinary meridians is obviously a different channels system comparing with the twelve meridians system. These meridians  are not independent but tightly connected to form another circulation. Bagua or Eight Trigrams, the most important theoretic frame in Chinese philosophy, has been used as a core structure in the foundation and clinic practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In acupuncture practice, although points on the Du and Ren meridians are often used, the other six meridians and their points are hardly systemically mentioned or used. The article introduced Bamai, the integration of the eight trigrams, eight extraordinary meridians, and Six Qi. The new paring between the eight trigrams and eight extraordinary meridians was established based on the historical use of the attributes of the eight trigrams and reasonable connecting between the elementary actions and indications of the eight channels. Moreover, the author added the Wei-defensive Qi, Ying-nutritive Qi, and six Qi in to the traits of the eight extraordinary channels. Hopefully, the Bamai system can serve as a useful theoretical tool to guide the clinical use of these eight channels.