WHO Scalp Acupuncture
WHO Scalp Acupuncture

This past sunny weekend was a phenomenal one as we welcomed 20 enthusiastic participants from across Denmark to our WHO Scalp Acupuncture Course. It was an enriching two days filled with deep dives into the modern practices of scalp acupuncture.

📚 What We Covered:

  • A brief history of scalp acupuncture
  • Understanding the mechanisms behind scalp acupuncture
  • Detailed exploration of the 14
  • lines/points used in treatments
  • Principles for clinical use
  • Comprehensive treatment protocols for common conditions including headaches, migraines, trigeminal neuralgia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, ADHD, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and long-COVID.

💬 Engaging Discussions: The course was lively with warm discussions, where many participants shared their valuable cases and experiences. This exchange of knowledge not only enhanced our learning experience but also fostered a supportive community of practitioners.

We’re thrilled by the success of this course and are grateful to all who joined and contributed to its richness. Stay tuned for more events like this!

Join the 1 hour free course on Scalp Acupuncture


WHO Scalp Acupuncture Course 2024

Nov. 23, Webinar: Blended Course: WHO Scalp Acupuncture (WSA) I-LOTUS CHINESE MEDICAL CENTER, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, English


Spændende Weekend Recap: WHO Skalp Akupunktur (WSA)!

Denne solrige weekend var fantastisk. Der var 20 entusiastiske deltagere fra hele Danmark, der kam til vores kursus om WHO Skalp Akupunktur. Det var to berigende dage fyldt med dybdegående indsigt i moderne praksis af skalpakupunktur.

📚 Hvad vi dækkede:

  • En kort historie om skalpakupunktur
  • Forståelse af mekanismerne bag skalpakupunktur
  • Detaljeret udforskning af de 14 linjer/punkter, der anvendes i behandlinger
  • Principper for klinisk brug

Omfattende behandlingsprotokoller for almindelige tilstande, herunder hovedpine, migræne, trigeminusneuralgi, slagtilfælde, Parkinsons sygdom, demens, ADHD, PTSD, depression, angst og langvarig COVID.

💬 Engagerende diskussioner: Kurset var livligt med varme diskussioner, hvor mange deltagere delte deres værdifulde sager og erfaringer. Denne udveksling af viden forbedrede ikke kun vores læringsoplevelse, men skabte også et støttende fællesskab af praktikere.

Vi er begejstrede over succesen af dette kursus og er taknemmelige for alle, der deltog og bidrog til dets rigdom. Hold øje med flere begivenheder som denne!

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