hyroid bone from Cephalometric assessment of the hyoid bone position in Oral Breathing Children
hyroid bone from Cephalometric assessment of the hyoid bone position in Oral Breathing Children

About Lian Quan – Corner Spring – RN23 (CV23)- 廉泉

  • Location:
    • On the anterior midline of the neck, in the depression above the hyoid bone.
  • Needling:
    • Oblique insertion towards the root of the tongue or in the direction of Bai Hui Du-20, 0.5 cun – 1.2 cun.
  • Read more on the hyroid bone
Hyoid Bone, important marker to locate RN23

Actions of RN23

  • Benefits the tongue
  • Descends rebellious Qi and alleviates cough and hiccup

Indications of RN23

  1. Tongue disorders: Swelling below the tongue with difficulty speaking, sudden loss of voice, loss of voice after stroke (aphasia), contraction of the tongue root with difficulty in eating, protrusion of the tongue
  2. Mouth and throat disorders: much spittle, dryness of the mouth, thirst, mouth ulcers, lockjaw.
  3. Airway and esophagus disorders: cough, rebellious qi, dyspnoea, chest pain, vomiting of foam.

Video on how to puncture RN23 (in Danish)

Lian Quan RN23

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